Terms and Conditions – privately funded treatment
- Every session is payable on the day at the start of the appointment using cash or a bank/credit card. I have access to a debit/credit card machine.
- In exceptional circumstances and only with prior agreement, I may accept cheques payable to “Dr A. Swami” at the end of each consultation and will provide you with a receipt.
Terms and Conditions – changing or cancelling appointments
- If you need to cancel an appointment you must let my P.A. know 48 hours before otherwise you will be liable for full payment.
- If you cancel your appointment with me with 48 hours notice or more you will not be charged.
- If I issue a prescription in a consultation, this will not incur a fee.
- However, if you need a prescription outside of an appointment, this will incur a fee of £25 plus any courier fees if the prescription needs to be sent by a courier to your local pharmacy.
- Initial assessment 60 minute duration – £695
- Initial assessment 90 minute duration/out of hours – £850
- Outpatient clinic follow up consultation (30 minutes) – £250
- Outpatient clinic follow up consultation (>30 to 60 minutes) – £350
- Hospital In-patient consultant care daily fee – variable per hospital
- Hospital Day-patient consultant care daily fee – variable per hospital